大庆油田深井提速已经开展多年,取得了良好的效果,2012年不断试验提速新技术,在肇深17井试验引进TorkBuster扭力冲击器,取得了新进展,获得了较高的机械钻速。扭力冲击器工作井段平均机械钻速达到4 m/h,最高达8 m/h,相同井段同比常规钻井节省起下钻至少5趟以上,节省周期13天。与同区块肇深井比较,钻速有较大的提升。扭力冲击器在肇深17井的试验成功,为大庆油田营城组及以下地层钻井提速提供了新途径。
Drilling speed rising in deep wells has experienced with good effects in Daqing oilfield for many years and the new technologies were tested in 2012. TorkBuster torque compactor was introduced for testing in well Zhaoshen 17, the av- erage ROP was 4 m/h even up to 8 m/h. Compared to the conventional drilling in the same interval, at least 5 pipe trips and 5 working days were saved. The successful application of torque compactor in well Zhaoshen 17 could be a new ap- proach to drilling speed rising in Yingcheng group and the below formations in.
Exploration Engineering:Rock & Soil Drilling and Tunneling