目的 :对我国10年来 (1990年~1999年 )85种医药刊物中有关中药不良反应病例报道进行统计分析。方法 :用文献计量学方法 ,对1176例 (1291例次 )中药诱发ADRs报道进行回顾性调查研究 ,分析讨论诱发药物、症状表现、严重程度以及造成中药ADRs的原因。结果 :男女病例数为1∶1 15 ;诱发ADRs的药物涉及138个品种 ,其中以雷公藤片、双黄连注射液 (粉针 )和茵栀黄注射液为最 ,占27 96 % ;A类反应375例次 ,其中心血管系统损害比例最大 (19 73 % ) ;B类反应916例次 ,其中皮肤粘膜损害比例最大 (41 16 % ) ;造成重度损害者373例次 (28 89 % )。结论 :应加强有关中药安全用药知识的普及 ,规范临床合理应用中药及其制剂 ,实施对中药不良反应的控制。
OBJECTIVE:To conduct statistical analysis on reports of ADRs of the Chinese materia medica published in 85 different kinds of journals during 1990~1999 METHODS:By the method of metrological analysis, we studied,retrospectively,1 176 cases with ADRs induced by Chinese materia medica and analyzed and discussed the reaction-inducing medicines,manifestations of symptoms,seriousness and the causes of ADRs RESULTS: The male:female ratio was 1∶1 15 Reaction-inducing medicines were up to 138; the most easily inducing ones were Tripterygium Glycodides tablet, Shuang Huanglian injection, Yin Zhihuang injection, amounting to 27 96% “A type”ADRs(toxic side reactions)amounted to 375, of which, cardiovascular system reactions accounted for 19 73%;“B type” ADRs(allergic reactions)amounted to 916, among which, cases of lesions on skin and mucous membrane were outstanding(up to 41 16%) Serious damage cases were 373(28 89%) CONCLUSION:The popularization of the knowledge on safe usage of Chinese materia medica should be reinforced; Rational clinical dosage of Chinese materia medica ought to be standardized and the ADRs induced by Chinese, materia medica have to be strictly supervised and controlled
China Pharmacy
Chinese materia medica
drug adverse reaction
retrospective analysis