
论中国能源立法的走向——基于《可再生能源法》制定和修改的分析 被引量:8

A Study of the Orientation of Energy Legislation in China:Based on the Making and Revision of the Renewable Energy Law
摘要 从立法过程和立法构成来看,我国可再生能源立法既有快速制定与及时修改的成功经验,也有在立法导向、立法内容和立法体系上的诸多不足。基于现行立法经验及欠缺的分析,我国可再生能源立法应作出发展方向上的调整:实现从政策性立法向应用性立法、从"软性"倡导向"软硬"结合、从现实应对向科学前瞻、从政府唱"独角戏"向多主体合作、从分割立法向协调立法的转变。 From the legislative process and legislative composition,it can be said that China's renewable energy law has successful experience in both its rapid establishment and timely modification,and yet many inadequacies are also evident in its orientation,contents and systematicness.Based on the green experience in law making,it is clear that China's renewable energy law should be adjusted in its orientation:there must be a transition from legislative policy to legislative law,from'soft'appealing to 'hard'enforcing,from timely remedy to a prediction backed up with science,and from the sole endeavor by the government to multilateral cooperation,and from individual legislation to legislative collaboration.
作者 杨解君
出处 《南京大学学报(哲学.人文科学.社会科学)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期49-58,155,共10页 Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(10AFX011)
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