对 5个对虾养殖围隔生态系细菌生物量 (以C计 ,下同 )的研究结果表明 ,浮游细菌总生物量波动在 0 .0 9~ 0 .83mg/dm3 之间 ,平均 0 .37± 0 .2 1mg/dm3 ,占水层颗粒有机碳含量的 1 1 .94% ;附着细菌生物量在 ( 0 .1 4~ 3.6 9)×1 0 -2 mg/dm3 )之间 ,平均 ( 0 .77± 0 .5 8)× 1 0 -2 mg/dm3 ,占浮游细菌总生物量的2 .0 8%± 1 .95 %。随着养殖时间的推移 ,浮游细菌总生物量、附着细菌生物量均有所上升。底泥细菌生物量为 ( 44~ 1 32 )× ( 1 0 -6m/m) ,平均 ( 86± 2 3)× ( 1 0 -6m/m) ,占底泥有机碳含量的 1 .5 5 %。
A study on bacterial biomass of five shrimp cultural enclosure ecosystems showed that the biomass of total bacterioplankton varied from 0.09 to 0.83mg/dm 3, with an average of 0.37± 0.21mg/dm 3 , and was 11.94 percent of particular organic carbon concentration; while the biomass of particle bound bacteria varied from 0.14 to 3.69(×10 -2 mg/dm 3) with an average of 0.77 ±0.58(×10 -2 mg/dm 3) and was 2.08%±1.95% of the biomass of total bacterioplankton. Both of the biomass of the total and particle bound bacteria increased with the lapse of cultural time. The biomass of sediment bacteria was (44~132)×(10 -6 m/m ), averaged (86±23)×(10 -6 m/m ), and was 1.55 percent of the sediment organic carbon concentration.
Journal of Oceanography In Taiwan Strait
国家自然科学重点基金(39430102号 )
国家教委博士点专项基金(9542304号 )
国家攀登计划B(PD-B6-7-3专题 )