
结直肠癌细胞Kiss-1基因表达在X线照射后的变化及其与肿瘤细胞增殖和凋亡的关系 被引量:3

Kiss-1 gene expression after radiation and its association with proliferation and apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells
摘要 目的研究X线照射后人结直肠癌SW480细胞中肿瘤转移抑制基因Kiss-1表达水平变化及其对细胞增殖和凋亡能力的影响。方法SW480细胞分为对照组(0Gy)和不同照射剂量(2、4、6和8Gy)的实验组。实验组经6-MVX线照射后48h,应用细胞免疫组织化学、实时定量PCR法检测细胞中Kiss.1蛋白及mRNA水平.通过软琼脂集落形成实验和流式细胞法检测细胞增殖和凋亡情况。结果与对照组相比,2、4Gy剂量组细胞Kiss-1蛋白表达无明显改变(P〉0.05).6、8Gv剂量组表达明显上调(P〈0.05);在2、4、6Gy剂量组细胞瞄SS-1基因mRNA水平上调(P〈0.05),8Gy剂量组则无明显改变(P〉0.05);与对照组相比,各剂量组细胞克隆形成数均明显减少(P〈0.05):4、6、8Gy剂量组细胞凋亡率增加(P〈0.05)。2Gv剂量组细胞凋亡率无明显改变(P〉0.05)。结论X线照射有可能上调SW480细胞Kiss-1基因的表达.同时残存癌细胞凋亡率增高、增殖力下降。 Objective To investigate the change of expression level of metastasis suppressor gene Kiss-1 in the colorectal cancer cell line SW480 after radiation, and to determine its association with the proliferation and apoptosis of SW480 cells. Methods SW480 cells were divided into control group (0 Gy) and study groups (2, 4, 6, 8 Gy). Cells in the study groups were irradiated by 6-MV X- ray radiation for 48 hours. Immunohistochemistry and real-time PCR methods were used to investigate the influence of radiation on Kiss-1 gene expression of SW480. Colony formation assay was used to detect the proliferation of SW480. Flow cytometry-Annexin-V/PI assay was used to observe the change of the apoptosis rate. Results Compared with the control group, Kiss-1 protein expression increased after radiation of 6, 8 Gy (P〈0.05), hut no significant changes were observed after radiation of 2, 4 Gy (P 〉 0.05). Kiss-1 gene mRNA level increased after radiation of 2,4,6 Gy, while no obvious change was observed for 8 Gy radiation. The apoptosis rates increased for 4,6,8 Gy radiation (P〈0.05), however, there was no significant difference for 2 Gy radiation (P〈0.05). Conclusion Radiation may increase Kiss-1 gene expression in SW480 cells, which results in decreases proliferation and increases apoptosis in residual surviving cells.
出处 《中华胃肠外科杂志》 CAS 2012年第5期508-511,共4页 Chinese Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery
基金 福建省卫生厅青年科研课题(2009-1-12) 福建省自然科学基金(2008J02074)
关键词 结直肠肿瘤 电离辐射 基因 KISS-1 细胞增殖 细胞凋亡 Colorectalneoplasms Ionizing radiation Gene,Kiss-1 Proliferation Apoptosis
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