In the study of grape virus-free, different concentration medicine BanLanGen (l.0g/L, 2.0g/L, 4.0g/L)andnucleotide trinitro (l0mg/L. 20mg/L. 40mg/L)were applied into medium of tip culture, the effect of the differentmedicine on the growth of vitro grape tip and leafroll virus were studied. The result shows that both medicine haveinhibiting effect on grape tip growth and its differentiation, and the inhibiting effect strenghthened as the concentra-tion increased. The result of Virus detection with Double-RNA method to the young p1ant of vitro tip culture treatedwith BanLanGen 2.0g/L and 4.0g/L and transplanted into field shows that there is no Double-RNA existing.
Sino-Overseas Grapevine & Wine