This paper explains the contents of biological oceanography and its state of research. Based on the coastal features of China, we propose that the focal points of research in biological oceanography hereafter in China should be: 1. Primary productivity studies in different sea areas; 2. Studies on the role of coastal microbenthos in energy flow and circulation of materials in marine ecosystems; 3. Studies on the sources, quantitative distribution and chemical composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and particulate organic matter (POM) in estuaries and representative sea areas as well as their roles in marine food chain and relationships to the variation of spawning grounds of fish and shrimp; 4. Studies on the circulations of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur; environmental capacity as well as environmental studies on the occurrence of diseases in coastal aquaculture environment; 5. Studies on the absorption, enrichment, metabolism of important organic pollutants and toxins of seaweeds by marine organisms in transport through food chain, ecological effect and ecological monitoring; 6. Studies on the offshore transport of coas tal plant detritus and its role within food chain; 7. Studies on the grouping of plankton, the factors controlling the grouping and its relationship to fisheries; 8. Choice of representative sea areas to carry out material flux research.
Advances in Marine Science
Biological Oceanography
State of Research