A procedure of BA-ELISA was developed for rapid detection of Salmonella in fish. Using this method, 105C/mL of salmonellae could be detected and it was not inter-fered by the presence of even 108C/mL of non-Salmonella bacteria. Over 10 cells of Salmonella in a sample can produce a positive result by the BA-ELISA after a two-stepped enrichment for 21-23 hours. One hundred and eighty-four fish samples, of which 29 were positive by the cultivation technique (CT), were tested with the BA-ELISA; the method has turned out to be excellent in sensitivity( 29/29) and specificity (149/155). There was an extremely significant consistence (P<0.01) between the results by the BA-ELISA and by the CT (the consistent rate of 96.73%). All the isolates were reputed as Samonella typhimurium( 1,4,5,12:i:1,2) by serological identification.