目的检测冠心病中医各证型血浆纤维蛋白原(FIB)的水平,为冠心病的中医辨证分型提供客观依据。方法 179例冠心病患者,中医辨证分为心血瘀阻、痰阻心脉、阴寒凝滞、心肾阴虚、气阴两虚、阳气虚衰型6组,选对照组30例,测定血浆FIB水平。结果各组FIB水平升高的阳性率以阳气虚衰型最高,以下依次为阴寒凝滞型、痰浊内阻型、气阴两虚型、心血瘀阻型、心肾阴虚型、对照组;各组两两比较的21对中,6对差异有统计学意义、15对差异无统计学意义;急性冠脉综合征(ACS)的阳性率在冠心病的6个证型中差异有统计学意义。结论 FIB水平可能与冠心病严重程度有一定关系,但单独做为冠心病不同中医证型的分型指标意义不大。
Objective: To provide an objective proof for syndrome differentiation of traditional Chinese medecine ( TCM) . Methods: The patients with CHD were divided into 6 groups, according to heart blood stasis, retention of phlegm in heart vessel, stagnation of qi due to cold, heart - kidney yin deficiency, dual deficiency of qi and yin, dual deficiancy yang and qi. 30 members of the control group were randomly selected from the medical center. The level of fib has been detected. Results: Fib levels of dual deficiancy yang and qi group were statistically higher than those of control group. Heart - kidney yin deficiency, heart blood stasis group and dual deficiency of qi and yin. When 7 groups compared to each other, in these 21 pairs, 6 pairs had statistical differences, but 15 pairs do not have them. The positive rate of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in these 6 groups of CHD had statistical differences. Conclusion: Fib level could not be efficient enough to serve as an objective proof for differentiation TCM syndromes of CHD, however, it gives a further demonstration that it is an indicator of the severity of CHD.
Journal of Emergency in Traditional Chinese Medicine