本文记述斑金龟科(Trichiidae)侧斑金龟属Paratrichius中的4个新种,标本分别采自我国福建、海南、四川和云南四省。新种模式标本均保存在中国科学院动物研究所。 1.环侧斑金龟Paratrichius
This paper reports 4 new species of Paratrichius collected from Fujian, Hainan, Sichuan and Yunnan. The type specimens are preserved in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica.1. Paratrichius circularis sp. nov.Length: 13.2-13.7 mm; width: 5.1-5.6mm.Holotype (?), Emeishan, 800-1000 m, Sichuan Province, 25. VII. 1957, collected by Huang Keren; paratype (?), Jiulaodong, Emeishan, 1800-1900 m, Sichuan, 31. Ⅶ. 1957, collected by Lu Youcai.This new species is closely allied to Paratrichius elegantulus (Moser), but distinguished by the larger size, and elytra in colour and the spots differs on elytra and pygidium in shape (figs. 1-2).2. Paratrichius rufescens sp. nov.Length: 12.1-13.1mm; width. 4.9-5.3mm.Holotype (?), Jianfengling 700-1100m, Hainan Province, 27. IV. 1982, collected by Gu Maobin; allotype (?), Fujian Province, 22. Ⅵ. 1935.This species resembles Paratrichius circularis, sp. nov., but the elytra with yellow spots and aedeagus differed in shape (figs. 3, 5).3. Paratrichius papilionaceus sp. nov. Length: 12.5mm; width: 6.1mm. Holotype (?), Jianfengling 900 m, Hainan Province, 27. IV. 1982, collected by Gu Mao-bin.This species is similar to Paratrichius septemdecimguttatus (Snell.), but can be distnguish-ed by the larger size and spots of on elytra and male genitalia differed in shape (figs. 6-8).4. Paratrichius rotundatus sp. nov.Length: 11-11.5 mm; width: 4.8-5.5 mm.Holotype (?), Menghun Xishuangbanna, 1200-1400 m, Yunnan Province, 24. Ⅴ. 1958, collected by Hong Chunpei; paratypes 3 (?), Menga Xishuangbanna, 1050-1080 m, Yunnan, Province, 22-25. Ⅴ. 1958, collected by Pu Fuji and Wang Shuyong.This species differs from its congeners, in the body smaller in size, in middle and hind parts of the pronotum with a large black patch, and transversus white patch and black patch in middle of the each elytron (figs. 9-10).
Acta Entomologica Sinica