在野外实际调查基础上,运用市场价值、影子工程、旅行费用等方法对江苏泗洪洪泽湖湿地自然保护区生态服务功能进行价值评估。结果显示,该保护区生态服务功能年均总价值约为13.97亿元,占泗洪县2005年国民生产总值的20.82%。重要物种栖息地、水分调节以及大气调节生态服务功能价值分别占总价值的27.49%、25.27%、19.33%,是该保护区的主要核心服务功能。泗洪湿地单位面积生态服务功能价值为28 299元.hm-2.a-1,分别为全球和中国湿地平均单位价值的4.09倍、4.85倍。在发展当地经济过程中,必须从该保护区湿地生态系统的基本特征出发,科学合理地保护、开发湿地资源。
Based on field investigations, evaluation of the ecological service function of the Hongze Lake Wetland Nature Reserve in Sihong, Jiangsu, was conducted, using a number of methods, such as market value method, shadow project method and travel cost method. Results show that the annual total value of the ecological service functions was estimated at 1 397 million yuan, accounting for 20.82% of Sihong's Gross National Product in 2005. Among all the wetland ecosystem service functions of the reserve, provision of habitat for important wildlife species, regulation of water and regulation of air accounted for 27.49%, 25.27% and 19.33%, respectively. So obviously they are the major service functions. The service function value per unit area of the Hongze Wetland is 28 299 yuan, about 4.09 times as high as that of the wetlands of the globe and 4.85 times as that of the wetlands in China. Therefore, in developing the local economy of Sihong, it is essential to scientifically and rationally protect and exploit the wetland resources by following the basic characteristics of the wetland ecosystem of the reserve.
Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment