可靠性分配是系统可靠性设计的一个重要环节,进行可靠性分配时需要对系统的各个组成部分进行全面的衡量。对复杂系统而言,一方面由于影响系统可靠性的因素有很多,并且其中一些可以进行定量的描述, 一些只能定性地衡量;另一方面由于系统复杂,使得可靠性分配较为困难,所以现在的方法不能很好地解决这一问题。提出了复杂系统可靠性分配的层次分析法,并对其基本思想和过程进行了介绍,给出了计算实例,最后对该方法在实际问题中的应用提出建议。
Reliability allocation is an important job in the design of system reliability. It is required to compare all the subsystems comprehensively while doing this job. For complex systems, there are many factors affecting the allocation, and some of them can be measured quantitatively while others have to be assessed qualitatively. Due to the complexity of the system, the reliability allocation tends to be a difficult job, and the current methods of system reliability allocation are not able to do it well. A reliability allocation method for complex systems using AHP is proposed. The basic thoughts and procedures of this method are described, and then an example is given. Finally, some advice on the practical use of this method is also presented.
Electronic Product Reliability and Environmental Testing