克里福德是第一个提出物质与四维空间存在逻辑关联的科学家,他给出的双曲虚单位对应狭义相对论的 闵可天斯基空间。利用克里福德几何代数,可以给出闵可夫斯基几何空间具有时间正定性,这与热力学箭头的单 向性相吻合。
Clifford is the first scientist who sets forth logical relations between material and foru dimensional space. The hyperbolic virtual unit he give corresponds to Minkowski space in the restricted theory of relativity. By Clifford geometry algebra, we can get that Minkowski geometric space has time positive definiteness. This fits thermodyhamics arrowhead' s unidirectionality.
Journal of Tianjin University of Commerce