From Jan.1988 to Dec.1992,11 patients with pseu- doaneurysm were treated surgically at our hospital.The results were excellent in all patients with a mean follow- up period of 37.6 months.Once the diagnosis of pseu- doaneurysm was made,emergency surgery was necessary to prevent rupture.Angiography is crucial for the diag- nosis.The surgical technique depends on the location of the aneurysm.Small,single,peripheral false aneurysm of the radial or tibial arteris could be safely ligated,if re- pairing is with dificulty.A small opening leading fo a saccular aneurysm may he closed by lateral arteriorrha- phy.When there is circumferential loss of less than half arterial substance,autogenous vein patch are used.While there is a severe straining or tearing of the arterial wall, in large aneurysm,interposition of a Gore-tex prothesis have to be used.