根据少环配电网的结构特点,提出一种三相参数不对称的环状配电网故障计算新方法:将配电网分成不含环状结构的辐射状网络和不含辐射状结构的纯环状网络,从而通过回路阻抗矩阵来反映环网的影响,并利用叠加原理来进行整个配电网故障计算。该方法的主要特点在于: 采用abc三相模型,克服了由于配电网三相参数不对称所造成的对称分量法无法应用的缺点;无需形成复杂的三相参数不对称的含环网的配电网三相节点复数导纳或阻抗参数矩阵;能够自动适应网络拓扑结构的变化;可方便地计及限流器的作用;计算速度快,效率高,方法简单。算例表明文中方法是三相参数不对称的含环形网络配电网故障计算的一种十分简单且有效的方法。
According to the structure feature of the weakly meshed distribution network, a new method for fault calculation is proposed in this paper. The weakly meshed network is divided into two networks: one is the pure radial network and the other is the pure meshed network. The final solution is obtained by using the superposition principle. The proposed algorithm has many advantages: ① it is easy to deal with the unbalance in three phase by adopting phase component; ② the network nodal complex admittance matrices are avoided in fault calculation; ③ the method is adaptable to network topology changes; ④it is very simple o deal with the influence of fault current limiters; ⑤The approach is precise and effective. The numerical example shows that this method is very effective for fault calculation in asymmetrical three-phase and meshed distribution network.
Proceedings of the CSEE