城市交通信号的设置是为了保证交叉口的交通安全以及最大的通行能力。现有的绝大多数交叉口的信号配时一般都是先对交叉口各个方向上的流量进行调查 ,根据所得的统计数据 ,对交叉口进行配时。由于交通流的随机性 ,这种定配时方案很明显存在着严重的缺陷。根据系统分解与协调的原理 ,本文所设计的信号线控模型分为用于控制各单个路口的一级模糊控制单元以及协调主干道绿信比的二级控制单元。仿真结果表明 ,本文所设计的信号线控模型车辆延误量比定配时方案有明显提高 ,最大可达到 32 .8%。
The setting of city traffic signal is to assure the safety and biggest passing ability for intersections. Generally, the existing signal time distributing for intersection is done according to the current traffic flow investigation of a certain intersection. As you know, the traffic flow has the characteristics such as random, disorder and so on., so the fixed signal time distributing has very serious defects. According to the principle of system analysis and coordination, a method for fuzzy line control of multiple intersections is proposed. The system consists of two control units, one is the basic control unit for every single intersection, and the other is used for coordination.
Technology of Highway and Transport