本文从理论上分析了基于模型的波阻抗反演主要存在的问题 :第一 ,初始波阻抗模型的建立基于经验而导致多解性 ;第二 ,合成地震记录与井旁地震记录拟合程度的不均匀性造成模型化现象。为此文中提出了一套基于相对波阻抗数据体约束的多井测井参数反演方法 ,其中相对波阻抗数据体采用道积分算法来获取。文中还解释了道积分算法在频率域的物理意义——在有效频带对地震记录做 - 90°相移。通过实例 ,分析了在相对波阻抗数据体约束下的多井测井参数反演方法 ,从而证明了该方法的实用性和可操作性。
The paper theoretically analyzed that model-based wave impedance inversion mainly has following problems:first,the experience-based build-up of wave impedance model leads multi-solution;second,the non-uniformity of goodness of fitting synthetic seismogram into seismic records near borehole resulted in modeling phenomenon.Because of this reason,the paper presented a set of methods for multi-logging parameters inversion under the constrain of relative wave impedance data volume,among which the relative wave impedance data volume is obtained by the trace-integrated algorithm.The paper also interpreted the physical meaning of trace-integrated algorithm in frequency domain-making the seismic data shift-90° of phase in effective frequency band.The paper analyzed,by real cases,the multi-logging parameters inversion methods under the constrain of relative wave impedance data volume,that proved the practice and feasibility of the methods presented
Oil Geophysical Prospecting