世界遗产学是一门综合性的应用学科 ,可从不同学科的视角对它进行多维观照。本文从现代传播学的角度 ,审视作为媒介的世界遗产所具有的性质、特点及功能等等 ,揭示世界遗产在现代信息传播特别是文化传播中的作用。本文认为 ,从现代传播学的媒介理论来看 ,世界遗产也是一种媒介 ,它的信息特征是历史阶段性和恒久性的统一 ,地域局限性和共享性的统一 ,文化汇聚性和延展性的统一。世界遗产作为媒介所具有的社会功能 ,在文化传播中是分析文本 ,在教育传播中是讨论案例 ,在经济传播中是稀缺资源 ,在娱乐传播中是背景因素。
The study into world heritage is a multiple applied science, which is related to different subjects in a lot of domains. The thesis below is mainly based on principle of mass communication and explores the distinguished features as well as the functions of the world heritage, in order to show that world heritage is also a kind of media and has its effect on the communication in modern society. According to the media theory of mass communication, the world heritage has something in common with media in that it is a unity of temporariness and permanence,regionality and communion,and convergence and extensibility. As for its social functions, the world heritage can be regarded as the analyzable object in cultural communication, the tight resources in economic communication, the case study in educational communication and the background factor in entertainment communication.
Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)