目的 了解本地区育龄男女地中海贫血以及葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶(G6PD)缺乏症发病率,以期为地中海贫血以及G6PD缺乏症的干预提供流行病资料,从而降低出生缺陷,促进优生优育。方法 选择2013-08-2014-10间来汕头市龙湖区计划生育服务站体检的育龄男女2800例作为研究对象,采用“一管法”红细胞脆性试验进行地中海贫血筛查,采用改良的G6PD量比值法进行G6PD缺乏症筛查,并对受检者进行优生指导,计算地中海贫血以及G6PD缺乏症发病率。结果 2800例接受筛查的育龄男女中地中海贫血134例,发病率为4.79%;G6PD缺乏症105例,发病率为3.75%。其中有2例育龄男女同时合并地中海贫血和G6PD缺乏症。结论 本地区地中海贫血以及G6PD缺乏症发病率均较高,地中海贫血以及G6PD缺乏症筛查方便、经济、快捷,能早期发现地中海贫血以及G6PD缺乏症高危夫妇并采取及时干预,对降低出生缺陷,促进优生优育以及提高人口质量均均有重要的现实意义,值得在各地区推广。
Objective To know the Mediterranean anemia and G6 PD deficiency in men and women of child- bearing age in the region,in order to provide epidemic data for intervention of Mediterranean anemia and G6 PD deficiency,and to reduce the birth defects and to promote eugenics. Methods Chosing 2800 cases men and women of childbearing age in family planning service stations in Longhu District Shantou City from August,2013 to October,2014. Mediterranean anemia screening was used through"a tube method"RBC brittleness test,modified amount of G6 PD ratio method was used to screen G6 PD deficiency. Eugenics guidance was used on these people,and the incidence of Mediterranean anemia and G6 PD deficiency were calculated. Results The incidence of Mediterranean anemia and G6 PD deficiency were high in the region. There were 134 cases Mediterranean anemia patients among 2800 cases men and women of childbearing age.The incidence of Mediterranean anemia was 4. 79%. There were 105 cases G6 PD deficiency patients among 2800 cases men and women of childbearing age,and the incidence of G6 PD deficiency was 3. 75%. There were 2 cases men and women of childbearing age with Mediterranean anemia and G6 PD deficiency. Conclusion The incidence of Mediterranean anemia and G6 PD deficiency were high in the region.The Mediterranean anemia and G6 PD deficiency screening are convenient,economic and fast. It can detect the high- risk couples of Mediterranean anemia and G6 PD deficiency early,take timely intervention to reduce the birth defects,and promote and improve the quality of the population of eugenic and superior nurture. It has important practical significance and worth follow popularity among regions.
Heilongjiang Medical Journal
The Mediterranean anemia
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
Men and women of childbearing age
Birth defects intervention
Shantou City