
前置后驱汽车传动系统的扭振模态分析 被引量:18

Analysis of Influencing Factors on the Drivetrain Torsional Vibration Modals for an FR Car
摘要 针对某前置后驱车,建立了其传动系的扭振当量模型,通过自由振动计算分析获得了传动系的扭振模态,与整车传动系扭振测试结果对比,验证了计算的正确性。基于传动系扭振当量模型,分析了各部件扭转刚度及转动惯量对扭振模态的灵敏度:系统第3阶扭振模态可以通过改变轮胎扭转刚度或者转动惯量来调谐;第4阶扭振模态可以使用半轴的扭转刚度、轮胎的扭转刚度或转动惯量调谐;第5阶扭振模态的调谐参数为半轴扭转刚度和传动轴转动惯量。这些因素的分析可为车辆扭转振动特性的改善提供可参考的依据。 A theoretical torsional vibration model for the drivetrain of a front-engine-and-rear-wheel-drive (FR) car wasbuilt. Torsional vibration modal frequencies were calculated by free vibration analysis and validated by comparing the resultswith those of torsional vibration test of the car. Based on this model, the sensitivity of the torsional stiffness and momentof inertia of different components to the drivetrain modal frequencies was analyzed. It is shown that the 3rd order modalfrequency can be tuned by adjusting the torsional stiffness or moment of inertia of the wheels; the 4th order modal frequencycan be tuned by adjusting the torsional stiffness or moment of inertia of the wheel or the torsional stiffness of the halfshaft; the 5th order modal frequency can be tuned by adjusting the torsional stiffness of the half shaft or the moment of inertiaof the driving shaft.
出处 《噪声与振动控制》 CSCD 2015年第1期141-144,共4页 Noise and Vibration Control
关键词 振动与波 扭振 传动系统 前置后驱 vibration and wave torsional vibration drivetrain front engine and rear wheel drive (FR)
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