:地球气候系统的突然变化是近年来地学研究的热点。取自极地冰芯、海洋沉积物和陆地的古气候记录表明 ,末次间冰期以来全球经历了一系列数百年—千年时间尺度的气候突变事件 ,证明了在末次冰期—间冰期旋回大尺度气候变化背景下 ,全球气候存在较大不稳定性这一基本事实。尽管末次间冰期以来这些数百年—千年时间尺度气候突变事件的成因和影响范围还存在明显的不确定性 ,但已从诸如末次间冰期 ( MIS5e)中期的干冷事件、末次冰期的 Dansgaard- Oeschger旋回、Heinrich事件和 Younger Dryas事件以及发生在全新世冰后期的一些降温事件的研究中 ,获得对过去 1 30 ka来气候变化过程总体上的认识和理解。综述了近年来的主要研究成果 ,介绍了有关末次间冰期以来全球气候突变事件发生的时间。
Abrupt changes in the Earth's climate system have generated much interest recently. The plaeoclimatic records from the ice cores, the oceans and the land indicated that the Earth's climate system experienced a series of rapid changes on timescales of centuries to millenium and gave evidence for large climate instability against the general background of the last interglacial glacial cycle. Although significant uncertainties remain about both the cause(s) and the scale of the impact of these abrupt climatic events, there is growing general knowledge of change process in climate during the past 13 000 years based on the studies of some important rapid climatic oscillations, such as a cold and dry event near the middle of the last interglacial, Dansgaard Oeschger cycles, Heinrich events and Younger Dryas event during the last glacial and some cooling events during the Holocene. In this review, we summarize the recent study outcomes and show up the recent progress in the timing, process and mechanisms of the abrupt climatic events since the last interglacial.
Advances in Earth Science
国家自然科学基金!重点项目"冲绳海槽及相邻陆架古环境演变研究"(编号 :4973 62 10 )资助