目的了解高原地区妊娠期高血压疾病(hypertension disorder complicating pregnancy,HDCP)患病情况,为防治HDCP提供依据。方法对2009年1月1日-2009年12月31日四川省阿坝州松潘县人民医院住院分娩的28例HDCP的孕产妇及围生儿情况进行回顾性分析。结果本组资料结果显示松潘县人民医院HDCP住院患病率为10.49%,较平原地区升高。28例患者中子痫前期(轻度)5例;子痫前期(重度)21例;子痫2例,其中1人死亡。共分娩活产新生儿27例,围生儿死亡5例。海拔升高增加HDCP孕产妇及围产儿病死率。结论高原地区妊娠高血压疾病的发病率增高与寒冷、干燥、低氧及缺乏产前检查有关。按时做好产前检查并对高危孕妇给予科学有效的早期干预措施,以降低妊娠期高血压疾病的发生率,特别是重度患者的发生率。产时产后密切监测血压以及选择最佳时机终止妊娠是处理妊娠期高血压疾病的重要环节。
Objective To investigate the morbidity condition of hypertension disorder complicating pregnancy(HDCP) in high altitude areas and provide a basis for HDCP prevention. Methods Retrospective survey was used to analyze 28 cases with HDCP and their prenatal infants from Jan. 1,2009 to Dec. 31,2009 in Songpan people' s hospital, Aba prefecture, Sichuan province. Re- suits The hospital rate( 10.49% ) of HDCP in Songpan people' s hospital was higher than that in plain areas. Among 28 cases of HDCP,five cases were mild preeclampsia,21 cases were severe preeclampsia and two cases were eclampsia(one died). There were 27 live born children, and 5 died in the prenatal period. The high altitude increased the rate of HDCP and fatality rate of prenatal infants. Conclusion The climate of cold,dry,lockage of oxygen in plateau areas and the shortage of prenatal examination contributed to the rise of HDCP. The timely prenatal examination and early nursing intervention can decrease the rate of HDCP, especially the severe cases. The careful observation of blood pressure during and after childbirth, and timely termination of pregnancy are the keys of treating HDCP.
Chinese Journal of General Practice
Hypertension disorder complicating pregnancy