
上海市大学生生殖健康状况调查及干预研究 被引量:27

Survey and Intervention Study on the Reproductive Health Status among College Students in Shanghai
摘要 目的:了解上海市大学生的生殖健康现状及进行干预措施的有效性,为大学生生殖健康教育及服务决策提供借鉴。方法:2004年7月~2008年6月,通过自制问卷调查了上海市14所高校共5422名在校大学生。问卷内容涵盖了4个方面主题:生殖健康知识需求、性行为和性态度、色情读物/影像接触情况以及性卫生/性病知识。其中188名学生接受了后期的生殖健康课程,对问卷部分内容作了前后对照研究。结果:共收回有效问卷5255份(96·9%),其中男女生比例接近1:1(2621:2634),医学生与非医学生各占17.51%和82.49%。38.4%的大学生曾接受过生殖健康教育,多数学生认为学校开展相关教育必要或者非常必要。反对婚前性行为的占17.47%。39·15%的学生能正确选出问卷中的3种性传播疾病。84.09%的学生知道HIV的传播途径,但仅56.94%的学生知道安全套的使用时机。59.05%的学生知道安全套有预防艾滋病传播的作用。通过进行生殖健康选修课这样的干预措施后,大学生们在性卫生/性病知识方面的认识具有极为显著的提高。结论:大学生生殖健康服务落后于现实需求。在大学生性观念日益开放的同时缺乏对生殖健康及STDs/AIDS的认识。选修课形式进行生殖健康教育是有效方法之一。 Objective: To investigate the reproductive health status among college students in Shanghai and the effectiveness of intervention measures, and to provide evidences for reproductive health education and service strategy among college students. Methods : 5,422 students from 14 universities of Shanghai were investigated using self - designed questionnaires from July 2004 to June 2008. The contents of questionnaires covered 4 aspects : the demands of reproductive health knowledge, sexual behavior and sexual attitudes, exposure to pornographic material, and sexual health/sexually transmitted disease (STD) knowledge. Among these subjects, 188 students took the later reproductive health curriculums, then a controlled before - after' study on parts of questionnaire contents was conducted. Results : 5,255 valid questionnaires (96.9%) were retrieved. The ratio of boys to girls was approximately 1:1 (2621:2654), and the proportions of medical students and non - medical students were 17.51% and 82.49% , respectively. 38.4% of respondents had received reproductive health education, and the majority of students believed that the development of relative education performed by school was necessary or extremely necessary. 17.47% hold the negative attitudes to premarital sexual behavior, and 39.15% could identify the 3 types of STD listed in the questionnaire. 84.09% of students knew the routes of HIV transmission, while only 56.94% knew when to use a condom and 59.05% knew that condoms could prevent the AIDS transmission. The awareness of sexual heahh/STD knowledge among college students were promoted significantly after the performance of intervention measures such as elective courses on reproductive health. Conclusion: The reproductive health service for college students is lagging behind their actual demands. Their sexual concepts are more and more open, meanwhile the awareness of reproductive health and STDs/AIDS are still limited. The development of reproductive health education as elective cours
出处 《中国计划生育学杂志》 北大核心 2009年第8期471-476,共6页 Chinese Journal of Family Planning
基金 上海市人口和计划生育委员会科研基金(2004JG03)
关键词 大学生 生殖健康 性教育 性传播疾病 干预 College students Reproductive health Sex education STD Intervention
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