以东柳河特大桥连续梁0#块托架预压施工为研究背景,研究并提出采用三角型反力架对托架进行预压,同时采用Midas Civil有限元软件建立模型,对三角型反力架在预压施工过程中的受力和变形进行计算分析。研究表明,三角型反力架各杆件在预压荷载作用下的受力和变形均符合设计要求,则采用三角型反力架可以有效解决高墩连续梁0#块托架预压困难的问题,为托架预压提供新的方法。同时,应用Midas Civil建立有限元模型对预压施工的反力架进行受力验算。
Based on the preloading construction of the 0#block bracket of continuous beam segment for the Dongliuhe extra-large bridge,a triangular reaction frame is designed and proposed.Midas Civil is used to establish the model of the reaction frame,and the force and deformation of which during the preloading construction are calculated and analyzed.The research shows that the force and deformation of triangular reaction frame under the upper preload can meet the design requirements,which indicates that this type of reaction frame can effectively guarantee the smooth preload construction of the 0#block bracket of continuous beam bridge.Meanwhile,the finite element method can be effectively used to design the reaction frame in the relevant preloading construction.
ZHANG Jing(China Railway 15th Bureau Group Third Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 610097,China)
Value Engineering