
2021年苏州市大学生吸烟现状及影响因素logistic回归分析 被引量:4

Cigarette smoking status and its influence factors for college students in Suzhou, 2021
摘要 目的 了解2021年苏州市大学生吸烟行为现状,探索其主要影响因素,为苏州市高校今后开展有针对性的控烟工作提供基础资料和科学依据。方法 采用分层随机整群抽样,选取2021年9—11月苏州市7所本专科院校2 132名大学生,通过自填式问卷的方法进行吸烟行为及影响因素的调查。结果 苏州市大学生吸烟率为12.76%,其中现吸率为5.07%。主要吸烟动机为社交需要(26.78%)、排解压力(26.42%)、受他人影响(23.17%)、消遣享受(17.43%)等。大学生吸烟主要集中在校外公共场所(25.95%)、不被人注意的角落(20.62%)、楼道走廊(16.45%)、厕所(12.23%)。多分类有序logistic回归结果显示:影响大学生吸烟行为的因素有8个,其中:男性(OR=6.91, 95%CI:4.49~10.64)、高年级(OR1=1.52, 95%CI:1.01~2.27)、较高的月生活费(OR1=4.24, 95%CI:2.58~6.96;OR2=2.65, 95%CI:1.70~4.12;OR3=4.11, 95%CI:2.39~7.08)、容易紧张(OR1=1.55,95%CI:1.02~2.37)、自控力水平差(OR1=2.47,95%CI:1.56~3.91;OR2=1.88,95%CI:1.13~3.12)、吸烟可致疾病的认知不足(OR1=2.71, 95%CI:1.60~4.60;OR2=2.01, 95%CI:1.16~3.47;OR3=2.13, 95%CI:1.22~3.71)、赞同大学生吸烟(OR1=10.06, 95%CI:4.37~23.17;OR2=3.26, 95%CI:1.46~7.26)、大部分朋友吸烟(OR1=11.27, 95%CI:5.26~24.13;OR2=3.08,95%CI:1.80~5.28)的大学生,其吸烟程度更高(P<0.05)。结论 苏州市大学生吸烟情况不容乐观,吸烟行为受到多方面因素的影响。学校应重视大学生的吸烟行为,采取多种有效措施进行控制,保护大学生的身心健康。 Objective To assess the prevalence of smoking among college students in Suzhou, and to explore the major influencing factors of smoking behavior, in order to provide basic data and scientific evidence for tobacco control in colleges. Methods From September to November 2021, students were randomly selected from 7 colleges in Suzhou using stratified cluster sampling method, and a self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted to assess the smoking behavior of college students and its influencing factors were analyzed using multi-categorical ordered logistic regression model. Results The overall prevalence of tabaco use among college students in Suzhou was 12. 76%, and 5. 07% were current smokers. The major motives of smoking were found to be social needs(26. 78%), stress relief(26. 42%), influence by others(23. 17%), and enjoyment(17. 43%). College students usually smoked in public places outside schools(25. 95%), unnoticed corners(20. 62%), corridors(16. 45%), and bathrooms(12. 23%). Multi-categorical ordered logistic regression analysis showed 8 major factors affecting the smoking behavior of college students. Male students(OR=6. 91, 95%CI:4. 49-10. 64) and seniors(OR1=1. 52, 95%CI: 1. 01-2. 27), as well as students with high monthly living expenses(OR1=4. 24, 95%CI: 2. 58-6. 96;OR2=2. 65, 95%CI: 1. 70-4. 12;OR3=4. 11, 95%CI: 2. 39-7. 08), high tendency to be nervous(OR1=1. 55, 95%CI: 1. 02-2. 37), poor self-control(OR1=2. 47, 95%CI:1. 56-3. 91;OR2=1. 88, 95%CI: 1. 13-3. 12), insufficient awareness of smoking related diseases(OR1=2. 71,95%CI: 1. 60-4. 60;OR2=2. 01, 95%CI: 1. 16-3. 47;OR3=2. 13, 95%CI: 1. 22-3. 71), supporting of college students smoking(OR1=10. 06, 95%CI: 4. 37-23. 17;OR2=3. 26, 95%CI: 1. 46-7. 26), having peer smokers(OR1=11. 27, 95%CI: 5. 26-24. 13;OR2=3. 08, 95%CI: 1. 80-5. 28) were more likely to smoke(Ps<0. 05).Conclusions Our study indicates that smoking is common among college students in Suzhou. Smoking behavior is linked to many factors. Therefore, national efforts to monitor and r
作者 马文霞 冯煜 李良 段修磊 MA Wen-xia;FENG Yu;LI Liang;DUAN Xiu-lei(The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University,Suzhou,Jiangsu 215006,China;不详)
出处 《中国预防医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期143-149,共7页 Chinese Preventive Medicine
关键词 大学生 吸烟行为 影响因素 身心健康 College students Smoking behavior Influencing factors Physical and mental health
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