
大型国企发挥产业链链长职能的路径与机制——基于特高压输电工程的案例研究 被引量:68

The Path and Mechanism for Large State-owned Enterprises to Play the Function of Industry Chain Leader: A Case Study Based on UHV Transmission Project
摘要 国有企业能否挑得起重担、打得好头阵、当得好“链长”是我国现代产业链能否成功的关键。大型国有企业发挥链长职能的机制和具体路径是什么?特高压输电工程链长主导实现创新突破的成功案例,很好地回答了这个问题。通过案例研究,本文发现:(1)“链长主导”、“科研—工程耦合”和“产学研用协同”3个机制精准解决了“谁来负责”、“如何推进”、“与谁合作”3个核心问题,是发挥产业链链长职能的关键。(2)链长主导机制内部,链长占据创新网络结构洞,通过项目牵头、构建创新联合体、制定标准体系、开展风险管控、为链上各方提供稳定的市场预期,是发挥链长职能的核心基石。(3)在科研—工程耦合机制内部,链长发挥网络中心作用,通过系统分解目标与要求、建立链长集约管控的工程组织体系、以工程带动科研、以科研支持工程,是链长发挥职能的组织保障。(4)在产学研用协同机制内部,链长培育核心企业强化产业自主可控、开展共性技术协同攻关、促进资源优化配置和全过程互动印证,形成了链长发挥职能的重要支撑。(5)3种机制互为循环、相互依存,链长主导在科研—工程耦合机制中发挥网络结构洞作用,在产学研用协同机制中明确各主体对于链长身份的合法性认知;科研—工程耦合为链长主导增强网络中心作用,优化了产学研用协同中过程逻辑;产学研用协同为链长主导创造了开放系统,强化了科研—工程耦合中各主体网络关系强度。 Whether state-owned enterprises can take up the heavy burden,play the leading role and act as the "chain leader" is the key to the success of modern Industry chain in China. What is the mechanism and specific path for large state-owned enterprises to play the role of chain leader? The successful case of the chain leader of Ultra-High Voltage transmission project leading to innovation breakthrough has answered this question well. Through the case study, this paper finds that:(1) The three mechanisms of "Industry chain leader dominating", "Research-engineering coupling" and "Industry-university-research-end users collaboration" precisely solve the three core problems of "who should be responsible", "how to promote" and "whom to cooperate with", which are the keys to the function of the chain leader.(2) Within the industry chain leader dominating mechanism, the chain leader occupies the innovation network structure hole, leading through projects, building innovation consortia, developing standard systems, carrying out risk control and providing stable market expectations for all parties in the chain, which is the core cornerstone of the function of the chain leader.(3) Within the coupling mechanism of scientific research-engineering, the chain leader plays the role of the network center, and the organizational guarantee for the chain leader’s function is to decompose the goals and requirements systematically, establish the engineering organization system with intensive control, drive scientific research with engineering, and support engineering with scientific research.(4) Within the mechanism of industry-university-research-end users collaboration, the chain leader cultivates core enterprises to strengthen industrial autonomy and controllability,carries out collaborative research on common technologies, promotes optimal resource allocation and whole-process interaction, and forms an important support for the chain leader to perform its function.(5) The three mechanisms are cyclic and interdependent. The chain lea
作者 赵晶 刘玉洁 付珂语 张勇 李欣 Zhao Jing;Liu Yujie;Fu Keyu;Zhang Yong;Li Xin(Business School,Renmin University of China;State Grid Energy Research Institute Co.,Ltd)
出处 《管理世界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期221-239,共19页 Journal of Management World
基金 阐释十九大精神国家社会科学基金专项课题“新时代企业家精神家培育的双螺旋驱动机制、路径与对策研究”(项目编号:18VSJ084) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“跨国情境下企业社会责任披露研究”(项目编号:71972178) 中国人民大学科学研究基金“国际化背景下中国企业创新研究”(项目编号:17XN1006) 国家电网“公司集团管控效能评价与管理优化关键技术研究”(项目编号:1400-202157225A-0-0-00)的资助。
关键词 特高压输电工程 大型国有企业 链长 科研—工程耦合 产学研用协同 UHV transmission project large state-owned enterprises industry chain leader research-engineering coupling industryuniversity-research-end users collaboration
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