
开关磁阻电机磁-热耦合仿真分析 被引量:7

Magneto-Thermal Coupling Simulation on Switched Reluctance Motor
摘要 采用有限元法对三相18/12开关磁阻电机进行了电磁场与温度场的耦合仿真。应用Ansoft Maxwell软件建立了样机的有限元仿真模型和驱动控制电路,通过瞬态场仿真得出电磁场和铁耗、铜耗分布情况,作为热源耦合到温度场分析模块。采用ANSYS Workbench软件的耦合分析功能,计算了样机的稳态温度场及各主要部件的瞬态温度曲线,并将仿真结果与实验结果进行对比。二者结果基本一致,表明磁热耦合仿真能够准确地分析电机内部的温度分布情况,为今后开关磁阻电机的设计与优化提供了基础。 A three-phase 18/12 switched reluctance motor was studied,using the finite element method for coupled e lectromagnetic-thermal field simulation.A 2-dimension finite element model and external control with drive circuit was es tablished by using Ansoft Maxwell.Through transient magnetic field simulation,the distribution of electromagnetic field and the distribution of iron loss and copper loss were obtained.Then they were coupled to the temperature field analysis module as a heat source.By using the coupling analysis function of ANSYS Workbench software,the steady temperature field and the transient temperature curve of each major component are calculated,then compared the simulation results with the ex perimental results.The simulation result well agreed with the tested temperature,indicating that the magneto thermal cou pling simulation can accurately analyze the temperature distribution inside the motor,providing the basis for the design and optimization of switched reluctance motor in the future.
作者 孙建忠 王斌 白凤仙 SUN Jian-zhong;WANG Bin;BAI Feng-xian(Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China)
机构地区 大连理工大学
出处 《微特电机》 2018年第10期66-69,74,共5页 Small & Special Electrical Machines
关键词 开关磁阻电机 磁热耦合 仿真分析 switched reluctance motor magneto-thermal coupling simulation analysis
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