
记者招待会汉英口译中的搭配、语义韵与意识形态研究 被引量:13

Collocation,Semantic Prosody and Ideology in Interpreting for Chinese Government Press Conferences: A Case Study of the Keyword “Development”
摘要 本文基于语料库的方法,研究了关键词development在记者招待会汉英口译中的搭配和语义韵特征,并与美国政府记者招待会原创口语进行了对比。研究结果表明二者存在显著的差异:一方面,该词在口译库中频繁与积极意义词语共现而呈现出明显的积极语义韵,而原创库中该词的语义韵特征并非前后一致;另一方面,口译中该词通常描述国内经济社会各方面的发展,而原创库中该词通常指代外部世界在特定方面的发展。本文认为这与两国领导人不同的意识形态和话语动机紧密相关,并运用批评话语分析理论进行了解释。 Based on a Chinese-English conference interpreting corpus, this paper investigates the collocation and semantic prosody of the keyword: development, followed by a comparison with that in original American press conferences corpus. The results reveal great differences between the two corpora: on the one hand, development displays apparent positive semantic prosody in interpreting corpus, compared with the inconsistent semantic prosody in original corpus; on the other hand, development is typically used to describe China's domestic social and economic development, compared with its usage to describe certain dimensions of development in other countries than America in original corpus. The differences are explained by exploiting critical discourse analysis theory, and are supposed to be closely related to the different ideology and discourse motivations between Chinese and American government leaders.
作者 潘峰 李鑫
出处 《中国外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期90-95,共6页 Foreign Languages in China
基金 2017年度教育部人文社科青年项目"基于语料库的政府记者会口译中人际意义的重构研究"(17YJC740043)的阶段性成果
关键词 development 语义韵 意识形态 汉英会议口译 development semanticprosody ideology Chinese-Englishconference interpreting
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