为了研究薰衣草提取物替代抗生素对早期断乳仔猪生产性能和免疫机能的影响,选取平均体重为(9.025±0.029)kg断乳三元[杜×(大×长)]杂交仔猪800头,随机分为4个处理组,每个处理组4个重复,每个重复50头仔猪,公母各半。分别饲喂基础饲粮(I组),基础日粮中添加土霉素钙1 000 g/t(II组)和不同量的熏衣草提取物(含木樨草素10%)[500 g/t(Ⅲ组)、1 000 g/t(Ⅳ组)]。结果表明:薰衣草提取物可以替代抗生素作为断乳仔猪饲料添加剂,薰衣草提取物添加量为1 000 g/t时,提高仔猪的生长能力和免疫能力效果最好。
The purpose of this experiment was to study the effects of lavender extract instead of antibiotics on production performanceand immune function of early weaned piglets. According to sex and weight, 800 three-way crossbred[Duroc× (Landrace× Yorkshire)],weaned piglets, mean weight (9.025±0.029)kg,were divided randomly into 4 groups, each group had four replicates and each repli-cate50 piglets(male:female=1:1), which were fed with a basal diet (I group), the basal diet added calcium oxytetracycline 1 000 g/T (groupII) and different amounts of lavender extract (containing luteolin 10%) [500 g/t (Group III), 1 000 g/t (Group IV)].The results showedthat lavender extract can replace antibiotics as feed additive for weaned piglets. When the amount of lavender extract was 1 000 g/t,the growth ability and immune ability of piglets were improved beastly.
Fujian Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary medicine