

The Imagery of Cloud in Fan Zhong's Poems
摘要 自古以来云意象就受到文人的重视,范钟诗词中的云意象在数量上与内涵上都尤为突出。范诗云意象以黄、白、碧为主,喜欢用的修饰词有浮、飞、流、归等动词,以及高、层、孤、断、火、香、愁、凉等形容词。范钟的云意象更加关注的是与自然有关的生活场景,将云意象当成大自然的工艺品来欣赏,与其他的意象构成和谐的画面。不同季节、形态与色彩的云都具有各自的内涵、风味与作用。从不同角度展示范钟的喜、哀、悲、愁等丰富情感与对自由、隐逸、忧国等的精神寄托,既有意象的画面美、诗歌的韵味美,又有内部的忧民、离思、隐逸等审美特征。在情感方面,因其个人经历,范钟多赋予云意象悲凉的色彩。 From ancient times, the imagery of cloud is appreciated by scholars. Through the diligent selection during the research, the authors find that the amount and connotation of the imagery of cloud is much more outstanding in the poetry written by Fan Zhong. Fan took the yellow, the white and the green as the principal colors of the Imagery of cloud. He tended to use some modifiers such as float, fly, flow and return. In addition, he was inclined to use some adjectives to describe as well, for example, high,layer, alone, broken, fire, sweet, anxious, cool and so on. Fan Zhong paid more attention to the scene on nature when he depicted the natural cloud. He took the imagery of cloud as splendid creation to appreciate which constituted a harmonious picture with other imageries. The cloud in different seasons, shapes and colors show various connotations, relishes and influences. Absolutely, it expressed Fan , happiness, sorrow, sadness, worry and rich emotion and yearning for freedom, seclusion and the concern of the country. It not only reflected the beauty of scene on imagery as well as the beauty of the charm about poetry, but also expressed aesthetics which contained internal concern on the country, the sorrow of farewell and reclusive life. In the aspect of emotion, owning to personal experiences, Fan Zhong was inclined to use the imagery of cloud to express sad and dreary emotions.
出处 《河南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第3期45-50,共6页 Journal of Henan University of Science & Technology(Social science)
基金 南通大学范氏诗文世家研究课题(08FSSW16)
关键词 范钟 云意象 诗词 意蕴 Fan Zhong the imagery of cloud poem connotation
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