
柿新品种‘黑柿1号’的选育 被引量:2

Breeding report of a new persimmon cultivar‘Heishi No.1'
摘要 ‘黑柿1号’是从太行山野生柿种质资源中选育出的黑色、早熟、优质柿新品种。果实长圆形,果蒂下有肉座状环形缢痕,果皮细致光滑、无纵沟,颜色乌黑而有光泽,上被白色果粉。果肉橙黄色,肉质细腻,味浓甜。果实中等大小,平均单果质量126.56 g,最大果质量232.38 g,平均可溶性固形物含量22.43%,维生素C含量406.0 mg·kg-1,总糖19.46%,还原糖16.33%,总酸0.08%,髓小,成熟后实心,无种子,耐贮运,容易脱涩,品质上等。该品种树势强健,萌芽力强,树冠呈圆头形。在郑州地区3月下旬萌芽,5月上旬开花,9月中旬起果实由黄逐渐转黑色,果实发育期130~140d,9月下旬成熟,采收期可延长到10月中下旬。该品种单性结实,结果早,丰产性强。嫁接苗定植第2年即可开花见果,第5年进入丰产期。坐果后和膨大期生理落果少,大小年不明显。‘黑柿1号’抗逆性强,病虫害相对较少,特抗炭疽和角斑病等病害。该品种果皮较厚,上被果粉,耐贮藏,采后常温下可存放30 d以上,冷藏条件下可贮藏3~4个月。该品种对土壤要求不严,适应性强,抗寒、抗旱,耐瘠薄;在河南、河北、山东、山西、陕西、安徽、湖北、江苏、浙江等柿子适生区的平地、丘陵山地均可栽培。 'Heishi No.l'is an excellent early-season table persimmon with black appearance. The culti- var was selected from natural persimmon germplasm resources, the variation maternal plant was discov- ered in Taihang mountain in 2000. It was initially selected from'Taihei- 1' for its beautiful appeareance, good flavor, high-productivity and strong resistance. After 8 years production testing from 2007 to 2014 in persimmon planting region including Luoyang, Puyang, Kaifeng, Sanmenxia and Xuchang in Henan prov- ince, and regional adaptability testing from 2010 to 2014 in Shandong, Shanxi, Anhui and Zhejiang prov- ince. We found that the genetic characteristics remained relatively stable, it was finally selected in Decem- ber 2015 in Henan (No. Henan S-SV-DK-O03-2015). Fruit of ' Heishi No. 1' is mainly obround, crisp tex- ture, has full deep black shiny color, with white fruit powder on the surface, and aurantiacus flesh color. Flesh is exquisite, fiber, sweet flavor. Its average fruit weight is 126.56 g, maximum fruit weight is 232.38 g, and seedless in most fruits. The content of soluble solid is 20% to 23%, the content of total sugar is 19.46%, the content of total acid is 0.08%, the content of vitamin C is 406 rag" kg-1, the content of tannic is 0.56%. Fruit quality is very excellent. This cultivar is vigorous with conicalness crown and semi-open tree gesture. Young branches are slightly curved, dull grey-green color. Leaves are deep green and laneeolate, 18.7 cm long, 10.1 cIn wide, with 1.8 cm petiles. Flowers are all female with small aorolla and light black petals. 'Heishi No.1' is a parthenocarpic, does not need pollinizer. 'Heishi No.1' begins spouting at end of March and flowering in early may. The fruit development period is about 130-140 d, and ripens at the end of September in Zhengzhou area, Henan province. The row and column spaces are 2-3 m×3-5 m. The type crown using free spindle, crown height is controlled in 3.5 m or so. Training good tree shape is impor- tant in yang tree st
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期1331-1334,共4页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 中国农业科学院科技创新工程专项经费项目(CAAS-ASTIP-2016-ZFRI)
关键词 新品种 '黑柿1号’ Persimmon New eultivar 'Heishi No.l'
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