
基于射流支撑薄壁件镜像加工尺寸误差补偿设计 被引量:3

Deformating Compensation Design in Jet Image Machining of Thin-walled Parts
摘要 低刚度薄壁件在切削加工过程中因切削力而容易产生切削变形和切削振动等尺寸误差,对薄壁件产生尺寸误差的影响因素进行分析,并针对薄壁件在切削过程中因受切削力作用而产生尺寸误差,设计了一种应用水射流镜像加工薄壁件的新型加工工艺方法,以此减小薄壁件的尺寸误差。最后,通过实验验证了水射流镜像加工技术可有效的提高薄壁件的加工精度。 Due to Cutting force in machining process, it can be easy to produce the size error such as cutting deformation and cutting vibration of low rigidity slender shafts. This article carries on the analysis of the size error of slender shaft in the machining process by cutting force. Slender shaft in machining process due to the cutting force generated size error phenomenon, and new machining method is proposed, in which the water jet image was used to machine slender shaft, in order to reduce the size error of slender shaft. The experimental results validate that the water jet image machining technology can effectively improve the machining precision of slender shaft.
出处 《机械设计与研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期110-114,共5页 Machine Design And Research
基金 国家自然科学基金(51275210) 江苏省六大人才高峰(2012-ZBZZ-003)资助项目
关键词 薄壁件 尺寸误差 射流 镜像 thin-walled parts deformation water jet image machining
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