In this study,we applied the ShakeMap_CNST system,which considers the epicenter location,earthquake magnitude,seismic tectonic background,and focal mechanism,for the rapid prediction of the ground motion spatial distribution of the Ludian,Yunan 6.5earthquake of August 3,2014.Using a method for estimating the seismic motion attenuation relationship in the Yunnan area,we calculated the PGAand PGVvalues of the bedrock surface in the epicenter area.Based on the observation results of strong ground motion by the stations and by using the distance weighted interpolation method,we recalculated the PGAand PGVvalues as being in the range of 30×30km^2 around the stations.In the calculation process of the seismic ground motion parameters,we increased the weight of the actual observation data to recalculate the ground motion data of each grid node and then drew a seismic intensity map.From the map,we can see that the scope of the VII-degree zone was obviously larger than originally believed.The field survey results also show that the houses were damaged more seriously in the towns of Laodian,Xindian,and Xiaohe,which are located in the eastern part of Qiaojia county in which earthquake damage was more significant.Therefore,the spatial distribution characteristics of the ground motion predicted by this system are consistent with field survey results.
China Earthquake Engineering Journal