“互联网 +”模式的诞生促使移动智能终端在新媒体时代下呈现出了强劲的生命力.通过分析与探讨上海博物馆“互联 网 +”微服务生态圈的优势及实现途径,有针对性地为博物馆行业提出了一系列解决方案,创新服务模式,提高服务水平,积极 打造微服务生态圈,搭建起与公众之间的桥梁.
In the new media age, the "Internet+" model promotes smart mobile devices shown a strong vitality. This article studied and discussed the advantage to create a museum micro-service ecosystem and how to create it, and put forward a series of recommendations for reference. We found that it is important to enhance the opportunity to create a micro - service ecosystem, to build a bridge between museums and audiences, to provide the innovation model and to improve the level of museum service.
Science Education and Museums