为综合治理湖南省柘溪水电站夏秋季节大量发生的造成严重环境污染的毛翅目昆虫兼长角纹石蛾 ,于1997- 1999年对该虫进行了防治研究 .针对该石蛾成虫习惯在相对湿度较大的沿河两岸活动 ,且在夜晚有明显的趋光性 ,其成虫对蓝光最为敏感等特性 ,1999年采用 5盏蓝光灯 ,沿河设置一定数量的抽风漏斗式诱蛾装置诱杀 ,共诱集到该石蛾成虫 896 0 .5 kg。
At Zhexi Reservoir of Hunan Province, a species of insects of Trichoptera that named Amphipsyche proluta MacLachlan arise in great quantities (over 10 tons or over 1 000 millions of individual) from May to October every year, and they pollute the power station's living and producing conditions seriously. Usually the adults of this insect obviously have the tendency towards light at night.The experiments show that the moth are most sensitive to blue light. In order to lure and gather these moths,The luring moth device has been manufactured. In the middle of the device there is a big funnel.Over the funnel some blue lamps are installed.At the bottom of the funnel an air pump is installed and below the funnel bottom a big box gathering moths is joined tightly.This device's effect of luring and gathering moth is very well. The moth lured and caught by five devices in 1999 amounted to 8 960.5 kg.
Journal of Hunan Agricultural University(Natural Sciences)
湖南省电力公司资助的科研课题 (97- 0 15 B)