Conversational Documentarianism in Instagram: Multidimensional Interface and Interactivity
Conversational Documentarianism in Instagram: Multidimensional Interface and Interactivity
What are the articulative semiotic characteristics of the Instagram interface, and how do they contribute to the construction of documentary, conversational photographic discourses with social purposes? This is a semiotic analysis of the Instagram interface as an interactive and conversational platform in creating new photographic documentary strategies for social purposes, to which we have applied the model of textual conversation as outlined by Bettetini (1984) and the concept of multidimensional interactivity proposed by Sally McMillan (2006). We shall analyse the work of Pachi Tamer (@cachafaz) in Instagram,and in particular the "Jim-Oktoberfest" case, the One-Dollar-Dreams site and the same author's "Sebasti^in" case from a semiotic perspective.
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