
中美印围绕新丝绸之路的竞争与合作分析 被引量:23

Competition and Cooperation among China,U.S,and India over the New Silk Road
摘要 中美印三国在建设新丝绸之路的方案上具有不同的战略,其差异在于,美国"新丝绸之路"战略的主要目标是保护美国在阿富汗的战争成果,并服务于美国的中亚和南亚战略,维护美国的世界霸权;中国和印度则将新丝绸之路作为贸易拓展、能源供给和文化交流的通道。三国新丝绸之路战略中,印度跟美国更为相似,路线走向也更为一致;中国的战略包容性更大,持续性更强。若中美印三国在新丝路建设上进行良好合作,将给亚洲一体化带来动力;若展开恶性竞争,则将为亚洲带来地缘政治动荡。中国应当尽力规避地缘政治风险,优先与政治关系良好的邻国开展跨境交通建设,不断促进新丝绸之路的连通。 China,the United States,and India have different strategies for the New Silk Road. The differences lie that the main goals of the U.S.New Silk Road strategy is to safeguard the American interest in Afghanistan,serve the United States' Central and South Asia strategy,and maintain U.S.world hegemony. While China and India see the New Silk Road as trade links,energy supply channels,and cultural bridges. Comparing the three New Silk Road strategies,India is more similar with the United States because their routes are more consistent. Therefore,there is inevitable competition and cooperation among the three countries on the construction of the new Silk Road. Good cooperation will lead to Asian integration,and vicious competition will bring great power struggles and geopolitical unrest. Therefore,China should try to avoid the geopolitical risk,develop cross-border transportation with good neighboring countries,and continue to promote connectivity of New Silk Roads.
作者 甘均先
出处 《东北亚论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期107-117,128,共11页 Northeast Asia Forum
基金 2014年度教育部课题(14YJCGJW00)
关键词 丝绸之路 战略竞争 大国关系 地缘政治 区域一体化 Silk Road Strategic Competition Great Power Relations Geopolitics Regional Integration
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