
癌性伤口护理及进展 被引量:8

Nursing care and progress on patients with cancerous wounds
摘要 综述癌性伤口护理及进展,包括相关理论、常见的相关症状、对病人的影响、管理措施。指出大多数研究是关于病人身体症状的描述性报道、对伤口渗出或臭味相关的害怕和焦虑等心理情绪方面问题及由此导致的社会性逃避和自我封闭、与家庭成员间的相处困难等问题的探讨,很多研究是个案研究或病人的经历,没有形成统一有效的护理标准,而关于最佳护理方案的临床研究也较少。 It reviewed the nursing care and progress on patients with cancer-ous wounds,including related theories,common associated symptoms,the impact on patients and management measures.It pointed out that most studies were descriptive reports on the patients’physical symptoms,and studies to probe into other emotional and psychological problems including wound exudation or odor associated fear and anxiety,and resulting in social escape and self enclosed and getting along with family members difficultly.Many researches were a case study or the patients’experience.There is no unified and effective standard of care,and clinical researches on the best nursing programs are still less.
作者 吴燕
出处 《全科护理》 2014年第22期2020-2023,共4页 Chinese General Practice Nursing
关键词 癌性伤口 相关症状 护理 进展 cancer wounds related symptoms care progress
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