针对三峡二期工程的复杂施工方式 ,研究并设计了集监测、控制、维护和管理于一体的计算机综合监控系统总体方案。其目的是 ,将施工作业、设备维护和生产管理集成为一个统一的管理与决策支持系统 ,使三峡二期工程的施工质量、施工设备的可利用率、施工生产的效率三者统一起来处理和解决 。
In view of the complex construction style of the Three Gorges' second-stage project and the situation concerning the traditional large-scale water conservancy and hydroelectricity project in which the construction practice, equipment maintenance and production management in the process of the production, transmission and deposition of concrete are separated from each other and there is a lack of information exchange, the article studies the computerized optimal management style in the concrete construction process, and puts an emphasis on discussing the model of cost analysis. This study aims at incorporating the construction practice, management and decision supporting system to deal with and resolve the second- stage project of the Three by unifying its construction quality the availability of its construction equipment and the efficiency of its construction practice, thereby realizing the information Of the construction management and the optimization of the decision on the whole.
Jiangxi Electric Power
second-stage project
monitor system
real_time monitoring
optimized decision