通过对 1 2种行比与播幅的研究发现 ,在一定的播幅范围内 ,西杂一号母本异交结实率和行比关系不大 ,而与播幅关系密切 ,有随母本播幅增加而降低的趋势 ;西杂一号制种田的母本播幅不超过 1 .8m时 ,两行父本提供的花粉量就可以满足需求 ,在此范围内 ,父本播幅的增加对提高异交结实率作用不十分显著。通过回归分析求得“西杂一号”制种产量大于 5 2 5 0 kg/ hm2 的父母本比例范围为 0 .1~ 0 .5 ;并得出在关中灌区 ,西杂一号制种田以选择 2行父本、6~
Based on study of 12 row ratios and drill strip widths for seed production techniques of hybrid wheat, The results are as follows:The ratio of cross seed set is closly related to the drill strip width.Its relationship with row ratio is not significant.As the femal drill strip width increases, the ratio of cross seed set was decreasing.When the femal drill strip width of XZ1 setted in scope of 1.8 meters,the ratio of cross seedset doesn't increase significantly companying with the increase of male drill strip width,two lines of male parent can provide enough pollen.Regression analysis indicats that the hybrid seed yield of XZ1 will overtake 5 250 kg/hm 2 if the ratio of male line to femal line is setted at range of 0.1~0.5.The elcellent combinations of row ratio and drill strip width are 2 lines of male parent with 6~9lines of femal parent in GuanZhong,Shaanxi irrigating region.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica
国家自然科学基金 (批准号 3 9970 45 4)