目的 :探讨正常人和双侧完全唇裂者鼻及上唇部的血液供应。方法 :正常头部标本 11例 ,双侧完全唇裂标本 2例。氧化铅动脉造影后 ,对鼻唇部进行X线摄片及显微解剖观察。结果 :鼻的血供主要来源于鼻外侧动脉 ,还有筛前动脉的分支、眼动脉的鼻背支参与。正常上唇的血供主要来源于上唇动脉及其分支 ,还可见鼻翼下缘动脉、鼻中隔后动脉和筛前动脉的分支。双侧完全唇裂者的鼻翼下缘动脉和上唇动脉鼻中隔支缺失。两侧上唇动脉不能在中线处相连续。结论 :鼻及上唇的血液供应分别来源于不同动脉 。
Objective:To investigate the arterial supply to the normal nose-upper lip and the complete bilateral cleft lip.Methods:Materials consisted of 11 normal and 2 bilateral cleft lip specimens.The arteries were observed by radiography and microanatomic dissection after the specimens were infused with lead oxide.Results:Besides the branches of anterior ethmoidal artery and dorsal nasal branches of ophthalmic artery,the primary blood supply to the nose was derived from the lateral nasal arteries.The blood supply of normal upper lip was mainly came from superior labial artery.The inferior alar arteries,post septal arteries and branches of anterior ethmoidal artery were also found to supply the upper lip.In the complete bilateral cleft specimens,the inferior alar artery and the septal branches of the superior labial artery were not present and the superior labial artery failed to unite with its fellow from the opposite side.Conclusions:The blood supplies of nose and upper lip derived from different artery,their branches and courses had their own characters.
Journal of Comprehensive Stomatology