作者新近开发了内燃机进排气系统一维非定常流动高精度计算模型有限体积法总变差减少 (Finite Vo-lume Method-Total Variable Diminish,简称 FVM-TVD)程序。为了适应对某 1 6缸大功率柴油机采用相继涡轮增压系统进行模拟计算与研究的需要 ,在 FVM-TVD程序的基础上 ,加入了相继增压系统、进排气旁通系统及高工况放进气系统的计算程序 ,利用此新编制的程序对该柴油机进行了模拟计算 ;其计算结果对该机何时启用相继增压系统、进排气旁通系统或高工况放进气系统提供了初步的预测 。
The authors developed one dimensional unsteady flow simulation codes with high accuracy--FVM TVD (Finite Volume Method Total Variation Diminish) recently for inlet exhaust system of internal combustion engines. In order to simulate sequential turbocharging system used by a 16 cylinder large power diesel engine, three parts of codes: STC (sequential turbocharging system), Inlet Exhaust by Pass system and Inlet Gate at high working condition system are put into the original FVM TVD code. By using the new developed codes, STC system used by the engine is simulated. The si mulation results provide some predictions about when STC, Inlet Exhaust by Pass system and Inlet Gate at high working condition system should be used. The control strategies is discussed.
Shipbuilding of China