用紫外光谱方法考察 35℃时苯、甲苯、二甲苯和氯苯在Pluronic嵌段共聚物F12 7和P12 3胶束中的增溶 .实验发现 ,当Pluronic嵌段共聚物胶束内核成分固定时 ,增溶量随内核体积 (对苯与氯苯系统 ,还包括栅栏层 )增大而线性增加 ,苯、甲苯、二甲苯和氯苯在每个胶束的最大增溶分子数分别为 4.4× 10 3、2 .3× 10 3、1.4× 10 3 和 7.1× 10 3 个 (F12 7)以及 11× 10 3、6 .8×10 3、4.2× 10 3 和 18× 10 3 个 (P12 3) ,这表明F12 7和P12 3是优良的芳香烃化合物增溶载体 .当苯环上增加甲基时 ,头一个甲基(甲苯 )对增溶量的影响比第二个甲基 (二甲苯 )
The solubilization of benzene and its derivatives (toluene, xylene and chlorobenzene) in both F127 and P123 aqueous micellar solutions were examined by UV method at 35℃. The solubilizing amount of the aromatic hydrocarbons was found to be lineally enhanced with increasing the volume of the micellar core for toluene and xylene, or with the volume of the micellar core and its palisade layer for benzene and chlorobenzene when fixing the micellar composition. The saturated amount of benzene, toluene, xylene and chlorobenzene incorporated in per micelle were 4.4×10 3, 2.3×10 3, 1.4×10 3 and 7.1×10 3 for F127 as well as 11×10 3, 6.8×10 3, 4.2×10 3 and 18×10 3 for P123, respectively. This significantly suggested that the micelles of F127 and P123 are excellent carriers for solubilization of aromatic hydrocarbons.
Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae
福建省高校科技项目 (K2 0 0 2 2 )