为了解淮北电厂粉煤灰充填区覆土种植作物后 ,土壤和小麦中的氟含量 ,选取覆土年限不同的三个覆盖区调查 ,结果示随着覆土种植年限的延长 ,下层粉煤灰中水溶性氟逐年下降 ,土壤中水溶性氟含量逐年上升 ,呈负相关 ,这种变化达到一定年限后渐趋缓慢。三区小麦中氟含量差别均有显著性 ,且与土壤中的水溶性氟含量呈正相关 。
In order to understand fluorine quantity in the soil and wheat at the coal ash sites covered with soil of Huaibei power station, three covered places with different years long were investigated. The results showed that aqueous fluorine in the lower power coal ash was reducing year by year, while aqueous fluorine in the soil was increasing year by year. A negative interrelation was observed between aqueous fluorine in lower power coal ash and the soil. The change was slowing down with the passage of time. There were significant differences of aqueous fluorine quantity in wheat in the three places. Aqueous fluorine in wheat had a positive interrelation with that in the soil. The results confirmed that the soil and wheat in three places were polluted by fluorine in power coal ash.
Anhui Journal of Preventive Medicine