在恒定pH系统中不同Al浓度胁迫下 ,大麦根过氧化物酶同工酶的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳酶谱发生明显变化 ,Rf0 .4 ,Rf 0 .78酶带变化最典型 ,酶带的强度与根的生长有明显的相关性 ,不同品种间酶带的变化存在差异。Al的作用与强光 ( 30 0lx)对根的作用使酶带变化相似。在Al胁迫下 ,大麦根中Al含量显著增加 ,恒定pH系统中敏感品种沪麦 8号、早熟 3号根中的Al含量比耐性品种浙皮 2号高。Al处理引起根中Ca含量的急剧减少 ,4mg/kgAl条件下耐性品种比敏感品种Ca含量高一倍以上。根中P的含量与Al含量在较敏感的品种中存在一定的正相关。元素分析结果所显示的品种耐性序列与根相对伸长率所显示的耐性序列基本相符。
In constant pH system, after different barley cultivars are treated with different Al concentrations, zymograms of peroxidase isozyme in root tips by PAGE very obviously. Enzyme bands of Rf 0.4 and Rf 0.78 are the most typical, their intensity is significantly related to root growth. There is a difference in changes of enzyme bands in root tips. Effect of Al stress is similar to that of 300 lx light intensity. Effect of Al contents in barley roots are significantly increased under Al stress. In constant pH systems, Al contents in roots of Humai 8 and Zhaoshu 3 (Al sensitive cultivars) are higher than those in Zhepi 2 (Al resistant cultivars). Ca contents in roots are sharply decreased under Al stress, and Ca contents in roots in Al resistant cultivars are more than 2 fold higher than those in Al sensitive cultivars in 4 mg/kg Al treatments. Both P contents and Al contents in roots are positively related to Al sensitive extent in Al sensitive cultivars. Al resistant ability of barley cultivars by element analysis is basically in agreement with that by root relative growth rates.
Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
浙江省自然科学基金 (30 0 2 5 5 )