精神损害是指侵害人不法侵害了民事主体的人身利益 ,造成受害人精神痛苦和精神利益上的损失 ,依法应承担的民事责任。精神损害赔偿责任构成包括 :违法行为、精神损害事实、因果关系和主观上有过错四个要素。用金钱财产对精神损失进行救济是将精神损失物化为金钱财富的过程。要想做到这种物化的公平、合理 ,就要考虑侵权人的过错、损害事实、侵权行为发生地的经济发展状况及当事人的经济状况。
Spiritual damage refers to:a tortfeasor infringes personal benefit of a civil subject, which leads to a victim's grief and damage to spiritual benefit, a tortfeasor should take civil responsibility according to law.Responsibility of compensation for spiritual damage including four factors:illegal activities,facts of spiritual damage,relation between causes and effects and subjective negligence.Providing relife to spiritual damage refers to:the process of material compensation for spiritual damage.In order to make the compensation payment fair and rational,negligence of a tortfeasor,facts of damage,regional economic circumstances of infringement acts and economic circumstances of a litigant shoud be considered.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Social Sciences