北京的旅游业在历经十几年的发展后 ,现在开始转向注重体现其文化内涵、展示其传统文化的优势上。实践证明 ,只有大力宏扬具有东方特色的中国传统文化精华 ,深入发掘北京旅游资源深厚的文化内涵 ,才能顺应世界旅游业的发展潮流 ,促进普通的观光旅游向高层次、更富吸引力的文化需求型旅游发展 ,从而使北京旅游业有一个长期稳定发展的势头。通过分析北京文化旅游资源的类型、特点及开发利用现状 ,提出了北京文化旅游今后发展的战略方针。
After having experienced development more than ten years, the tourism of Beijing is turning its steps to paying more attention to its cultural connotation and showing its traditional cultures, which are its advantages. It is testified by practice that only by vigorously carrying forward the pith of China's traditional culture with East's characteristics, and thoroughly excavating the profound cultural connotations of tourism resources, can it acclimate the development tide of world's tourism and promote the development of ordinary sightseeing tourism to higher level and more attractive culture\|demand\|type tourism. Thereby, the tourism of Beijing can have a long\|term and stead development tendency. Through analyzing the types, characteristics and the developing and utilizing status quo of Beijing's cultural tourism, its strategic guidelines, strategic pivots and developing measures in the future are put forward.
Journal of Beijing Union University
北京市旅游局委托项目!"北京市旅游资源开发和发展规划研究 (95 16 0 12 0 0 )"的专题研究"北京市文化旅游发展战略"的部分内容