HYDRUS-3D is a can be used to simulate soil water and solute finite element computer model of three dimensional movement.Flexible processing program can be all kinds of flow boundary, including head, a given flow rate and variable water head boundary, waterseepage boundary, atmospheric boundary and drain, etc. Itself can be irregular flow boundary flow area, even by the anisotropy of theheterogeneity of the soil. This paper introduces the HYDRUS-3D mathematical model the latest achievements and take advantage of thismodel, the software simulation of soil water and solute movement of three-dimensional flow control equation using the modified Richardsequation, irregular triangle mesh subdivision for water areas, the control equations using galerkin finite element method for solving linear, gotthe change of water and solute transport in soil with time relations, can provide from 0.00001 to 5, nearly six orders of maguitude of the eventtime resolution precision. Its practical application results show that the HYDRUS-3D function is aU ready, not only can provide powerfalmodel calculation, and the generated model can truly reflect the infiltration process of water and solutes, can be applied to work in the earlyperiod of the soil moisture forecast.
Computers and Applied Chemistry