
HYDRUS-3D在土壤水分入渗过程模拟中的应用 被引量:5

HYRDUS-3D in the soil water infiltration process simulation
摘要 HYDRUS-3D是一个可用来模拟土壤水流及溶质三维运动的有限元计算机模型。程序可以灵活处理各类水流边界,包括定水头和变水头边界、给定流量边界、渗水边界、大气边界以及排水沟等。水流区域本身可以是不规则水流边界,甚至还可以由各向异性的非均质土壤组成。本文介绍了HYDRUS-3D这一最新成果数学模型构成,并利用这一模型软件模拟计算了土壤水流及溶质的三维运动,水流控制方程采用修改过的Richards方程,对水流区域进行不规则三角形网格剖分,控制方程采用伽辽金线状有限元法进行求解,得到了水分和溶质在土壤中随时间的变化关系,可以提供从0.00001到5,近6个数量级的事件时间分辨率精度。其实际应用结果表明,HYDRUS-3D不仅功能齐全,能够提供强大的模型计算能力,并且其生成的模型能真实地反映水分和溶质入渗过程,可被应用于土壤含水量的前期预报工作。 HYDRUS-3D is a can be used to simulate soil water and solute finite element computer model of three dimensional movement.Flexible processing program can be all kinds of flow boundary, including head, a given flow rate and variable water head boundary, waterseepage boundary, atmospheric boundary and drain, etc. Itself can be irregular flow boundary flow area, even by the anisotropy of theheterogeneity of the soil. This paper introduces the HYDRUS-3D mathematical model the latest achievements and take advantage of thismodel, the software simulation of soil water and solute movement of three-dimensional flow control equation using the modified Richardsequation, irregular triangle mesh subdivision for water areas, the control equations using galerkin finite element method for solving linear, gotthe change of water and solute transport in soil with time relations, can provide from 0.00001 to 5, nearly six orders of maguitude of the eventtime resolution precision. Its practical application results show that the HYDRUS-3D function is aU ready, not only can provide powerfalmodel calculation, and the generated model can truly reflect the infiltration process of water and solutes, can be applied to work in the earlyperiod of the soil moisture forecast.
出处 《计算机与应用化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期531-535,共5页 Computers and Applied Chemistry
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(21177158)
关键词 HYDRUS-3D 计算机模型 入渗 土壤 HYRDUS-3D computer models infiltration soil
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