
口腔种植术中腭部取骨量的CT测量研究 被引量:2

CT Measurement of Palatal as a Bone-supply Area in Oral Implanting Surgery
摘要 目的探讨腭部作为种植手术供骨区环状取骨的可行性。资料与方法 40例患者(男23例,女17例)分别行上颌骨螺旋CT扫描后,图像行三维重建,测量腭部双侧24个点处的骨高度及18个点与腭中缝的距离;过︱12牙冠中心作腭中缝的平行线,与过∣45颊舌尖的平行线相交确定4点,垂直于骨面测量交点及以交点为圆心、3 mm为半径的圆周上各点的骨高度,并进行比较。结果男女上颌骨高度差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),上颌骨左、右侧基本对称(P>0.05),以4点为圆心、3 mm为半径处圆周上所取点骨高度最高处为(14.58±4.78)mm,最低处为(4.09±1.53)mm。结论腭部骨厚度变异大,以3 mm为半径环状骨钻在腭部特定区域内取骨,取骨量充足,多数患者不会损伤邻近重要组织,但术前需行CT检查以确保手术安全。 Purpose To explore the feasibility of palatal as the bone-supply area for oral implanting surgery. Materials and Methods Forty patients (23 males and 17 females) underwent maxilla spiral CT, then images were conducted three-dimensional refbrm. The vertical bone thickness of 24 sites and the distances between 18 sites and midpalatine raphae were measured. Four points were marked on CT, the points were the intersections that parallel lines of palatal midline through the center of I 12 clinical crowns, and the lines through the center of I 45 clinical crown, then the vertical bone thickness at each point and 3 mm radius annular area was measured and compared. Results There was no significant difference in bone thickness between male and female (P〉0.05). The width and the height of the palate between left side and right side had no statistical difference (P〉0.05). The bone thickness was range from (4.09±1.53) mm to (14.58±4.78) mm on the annular area. Conclusion The palatal bone thickness has great variabilities, taking bone from certain area of palatal with 3 mm radius ring bone drilling is safe and reliable for most people.
出处 《中国医学影像学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期697-700,共4页 Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging
关键词 牙种植 体层摄影术 螺旋计算机 图像处理 计算机辅助 Dental implantation Palate Tomography, spiral computed Imageprocessing, computer-assisted
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