为了解云南省手足口病患者标本中分离到的一株ECHO-9病毒基因组特征,对2010年云南省ECHO-9病毒分离株MSH-KM812-2010全基因组序列测序,并与GenBank中其它ECHO-9病毒株基因组序列比对和分析。MSH-KM812-2010基因组长为7 424bp,编码2 203个氨基酸,其结构基因区与其它ECHO-9病毒核苷酸和氨基酸的同源性高于其它型别肠道病毒;而在非结构区,与其它肠道病毒血清型的同源性高于ECHO-9病毒株。VP1系统进化分析显示ECHO-9病毒株可形成A、B和C三个进化分支,MSH-KM812-2010株以及其它中国分离株属于C簇。三个分支之间核苷酸序列的差异大于15.0%可将ECHO-9病毒分为三个基因型。通过重组检测软件3(RDP3)和基本局部比对搜索工具(BLAST)比对分析,发现在非结构区可能存在重组。本文首次对我国分离的ECHO-9病毒全基因组序列的测定和分析,对了解ECHO-9病毒遗传特性具有重要意义。
To analyze the genomic sequence characteristics of a human Echovirus 9 (ECHO-9) strain isolated from a child with Hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) in Kunming, Yunnan Province, in 2010. The complete genome sequence of a human echovirus 9 strain, MSH-KM812-2010 was determined. As other human enterovirus, its genome was 7 424 nucleotides (nts) in length and encoded for 2 203 amino acids (aas). In comparison to other human enteroviruses, MSH-KM812-2010 strain had the highest homology with other strains of human echovirus 9 in structural genomic regions and more homologous to other serotypes of B specie than to human echovirus 9 in non-structural genomic regions. Phylogenetic analysis based on complete VP1 gene revealed that the sequences of human echovirus 9 segregated into three distinct clades A, B and C with more than 15.0% diversity between clades. All Chinese isolates belonged to the same clade. RDP3 and Blast revealed evident recombination in non-structural genomic regions. This report is the first to describe the complete genome of the human echovirus 9 in China and provide an overview of the diversity of genetic characteristics of a circulating human echovirus 9.
Chinese Journal of Virology